Thursday, February 24, 2011

Welcome to OK Nurse Educator Blog

Welcome to a place for OK Nurse Educator's to interact with fellow nurse educators.  Nurse Educator's have a wealth of knowledge and experience and we can learn from each other.  Let's get started!

What do you see as the greatest challenge of a nurse educator in the state of Oklahoma?

Linda Fly


  1. The biggest challenge is being able to do the job of teaching future nurses and having to deal with the policies or legislation. When we have the elected officials trying to tell educators how to do their job, that makes it difficult to their job of teaching. We need to make sure we support our nurse educators and allow them to do their job. There are going to be a lot of changes coming from legislatures this year that could affect the way we teach or what we teach. Nurse educators need to be prepared for what is coming in the future of nursing education.

  2. If we are going to move associate level RNs into BSN and MSN roles, we must determine how to acquire more nurse educators. This must be one of our first tasks as we move forward.

  3. Ruth, I am currently in the process of completing my Master's thesis and hope to defend within the month, walk in August. I have been applying for teaching positions with little to no response. I do not find a shortage of faculty in the Tulsa area. Although, it seems most all institutions want seasoned faculty. Where does that leave the ones of us who are new to the teaching world? It leaves us frustrated and taking positions as managers, leaving our love for teaching on the shelf. The market in Tulsa is very competitive.
